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Caesarstone - Care and Maintenance

Posted By Caesarstone  
21:00 PM

Every Day Cleaning

Caesarstone® requires very little maintenance to keep the surface looking like new. For everyday,
routine cleaning of Caesarstone® we recommend wiping the surface with warm soapy water (a mild
detergent) and a damp cloth, or use our convenient Caesarstone® Cleaning Wipes or Caesarstone®
Spray Cleaner which are available to purchase from our online shop.

As Caesarstone® is virtually non-porous, it will keep its lustrous gloss and ultra smooth surface without
polishing and it never needs sealing. Never attempt to polish the surface on your own, and avoid
prolonged rubbing in one spot when cleaning.

Caesarstone® Cream Cleanser

Caesarstone® Cream Cleanser has been specially formulated to remove the most stubborn stains such
as red wine or beetroot while taking care of your Caesarstone® surfaces. 

Food Preparation
We always recommend cutting on an appropriate cutting board and never directly on the Caesarstone®
surface to avoid blunting kitchen knives or damaging the surface of your bench top.

Heat Resistance

Caesarstone will tolerate brief exposures to moderately hot temperatures, however prolonged direct
contact with, or radiated heat from very hot pots can cause thermal shock, dis-colouration or damage.
Therefore we do not recommend placing hot pots, pans, electric frying pans, oven trays, etc. directly
from the hotplate or out of the oven onto the surface.

Tough? Yes. Indestructible? No.
As with any surface, Caesarstone® can be permanently damaged by exposure to strong chemicals and
solvents that undermine its physical properties. Do not use products that contain trichlorethane or
methylene chloride, such as paint removers or stripper. Avoid any highly aggressive cleaning agents like
oven cleaner that have high alkaline/pH levels. Should the surface be accidentally exposed to any of
these damaging products, rinse immediately with water to neutralize the effect.